

I had left his blog empty for quite a while and with that a couple of years have flown by. I wrote Pondering on a plane recently because in that moment, I was feeling very emotional and wanted to organise my thoughts. Once I had written it, I was reminded of that former writer self I hadn’t seen in a while. It made me nostalgic so I decided to post it. Hopefully it was some food for thought for you. It was definitely eye-opening for me.

Since it has been so long, I believe you deserve an update on where I am right now. Obviously, things have changed. I am no longer that same university kid. I now fall in the young professional category – working in a big multi-national company, living the corporate life with all the e-mails, telecons, deadlines and all that jazz. I travel quite a bit for my job but am based in Malaysia, calling KL my home for now. With a new city, comes a new church family as well. Have been doing alright but struggling a little with how to split my time between work, friends, family and church. 

While writing this post and putting pen to paper, I wonder if I, myself, had forgotten who I was and what I stand for. Therefore, I wanted to remind myself. I want to remind myself that I was idealistic and yet practical, adventurous and yet cautious, perhaps a little awkward but lovable and dependable. I am a person of integrity who will not be swayed by others. I will swim against the current and I dare to be different. I love a good laugh and a great time. I love new experiences and places. I love spending time with friends and family and I love my Heavenly Father.

It’s been a long time since I have thought about such things. While I do love my job (mostly), it has become a little too all-consuming. I’ve been running a rat race and I need to take it down a notch. I need to protect my time and my energy. In the heat of meeting deadlines and delivering projects, I need to take a step back and think – what do I really value, what’s important to me? I want to be care-free and live each day without regrets.

And that’s why I want to continue writing. Writing helps me stop and reflect. It slows time down and helps me to see things with the right perspective. It reminds me of what I stand for and who I strive to be. Thank you Heavenly Father for this lovely 24th birthday present – for reminding me for who I am. I have been a little lost but thanks for helping me get my bearings back. 

Dear friend, I am so glad to be back. Stay tuned for more!