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Saint Paul de Vence is a small charming village that is neither flamboyant nor ostentatious. Yet it is bold and loud with the winding stone walkways flanked with quaint boutiques. This village is rich in it’s art, beauty and heritage. It’s luxurious and yet not exclusive. Old and yet its beauty is not outdated. As one of the oldest medieval villages in the French Rivera, it is situated on a hill and between two deep valleys. You can probably imagine the view.


As I strolled along the path, memories of the past kept coming back. Nostalgia ricocheted off the wall. It’s as though I had been there in another life. Yet it was such a unique experience. I love the leisure walk along the galleries and boutiques, exploring narrow walkways that were just wide enough for me to pass through and admiring the stone walkways as well as hidden churches and fountains. The sense of adventure thrilled me and I enjoyed casting my eyes on the artwork that seemed so simple yet so beautiful.

A striking piece of art that I saw was a bouquet of butterflies. Imagine life presenting you with a bouquet of butterflies. Butterflies that make you gasp in awe and wonder, longing for more or butterflies that flutter in your stomach as you anxiously carry on or the occasional lone butterfly that flutters gently across as you ponder on all the things life has thrown at you. Indeed, butterflies for me. Beauty beyond the superficial.

Overall, it was a great way to start the trip, a relaxed and laid back stroll along stone walkways. Beauty that made my praise my creator God and finally fabulous pictures and lovely company!
